I provide onsite and distance-based learning designed for your needs and budget.  Contact me for a free consultation and training proposal.

Training topics and modalities include:

Introduction to Motivational Interviewing: Learn the spirit, processes, and core skills of MI in a lively, hands-on workshop.

Advanced practice of Motivational Interviewing: Hone your skills in a structured and supportive group.

Feedback and coaching: Receive individual feedback and coaching in applying MI and/or CBT skills in daily practice.

Treatment fidelity ratings: Receive feedback according to objective criteria for skillful Motivational Interviewing.

Training of trainers/supervisors: Build implementation expertise and capacity in your organization.

Stages of Change Theory: Use the Transtheoretical Stages of Change model to guide treatment planning.

Habit Change 101: My client is ready to change, now what? Learn basic principles of effective lifestyle change planning.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Lifestyle Change: Learn a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to changing addictive and health-related behavior.

Relapse Prevention and Continuing Care: Help support and sustain beneficial change.

Individual Training: Receive personal guidance to help you learn Motivational Interviewing as applied in your own practice. Your customized training plan may include guided independent study, interactive role-play exercises targeting specific MI skills, feedback on recorded work samples, coaching regarding application of MI spirit and strategies, and more.